Colette Lafia

Author, Spiritual Director & Retreat Leader

Colette Lafia

Author, Spiritual Director & Retreat Leader

Colette Lafia SCP_0210-edited

Colette Lafia, a spiritual companion for the journey


The movement of our hearts towards Divine Love is the essence of our spiritual experience. It is my honor to accompany you on this profound journey into love—to offer you practices, prayers, and spiritual insights that will help you grow love-centered relationships with everyone and everything around you.

Work with Colette

A old bell against the shaded wall.

Workshops & Retreats

Topics cover living a life overflowing with Divine love, finding comfort & joy in everyday life, and more.

The Divine Heart

Living The Divine Heart

Free Book Club Visits via Zoom, Divine Heart Retreats on themes from The Divine Heart, and Virtual Monthly Gatherings.


Group Spiritual Direction

Work with Colette virtually in small groups. Explore your heart's deepest desire for connection and union with the Divine. 

The Divine Heart

Seven Ways to Live In God's Love

Spiritual director Colette Lafia tells us that at the core of our being there is an ever-flowing love relationship with the Divine, and it’s here we find meaning in our lives. Beautifully expressed, with examples and awakenings from the author’s own journey, The Divine Heart offers seven “invitations,” principles of spiritual practice that awaken us to the ever-abundant flow of Divine love.

Nautilus Book Awards, recognizing Books for a Better World, selected The Divine Heart as a 2022 Silver Award Winner in Religion/Spirituality of Western Thought.

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Journal Writing: The Heart of Gratitude.

A Free Live Zoom Event with Colette Lafia

Spiritual Journal writing to connect us to the flow of giving and receiving as the heart of gratitude. We will engage in spiritual journaling through Visio Divina (sacred seeing contemplative practice), poetry, and free writing.


Guided Meditation

A relaxation practice to help us connect with Divine Love. Colette Lafia · Guided Relaxation
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Heart Meditation to Bring Ease

Follow this guided meditation to connect with the love flowing into you and through you.   Colette Lafia, Author · Heart Meditation By Colette Lafia
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Dwelling in the Heart

Colette Lafia · Dwelling in the Heart Welcome to Being Loved Becoming Whole - Living Inside Divine Love. I'm Colette. I'd like us to begin ...
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“Thank you Colette and others for sharing this retreat. I found it a wonderful touchstone through a busy time. It was delivered in such an accessible, sweet way. Having participated in the Living School myself, I found that your summaries and integration of the material was profound for me. Thank you. I was challenged to really create enough space to go as deeply as this deserved. A life-long challenge. I could have spent a day on each session. Please keep sharing your gift Colette.”



San Francisco

"This has been a beautiful, personalized, compassionate and meaningful retreat for me! I was able to slow down and get in touch with Christ who is in me! Colette your topics and the pace you set for us led us deeper into ourselves! I thank you! I intend to keep re-reading all of this over and over in order to hopefully keep me in this wonderful, peaceful place!"




"I found myself opening again to both receive and give with open arms, knowing that in whom I live and move and have my being. I have regained the habit of prayerful living which allows the Divine. Thank you Colette. This is just what I needed in my life at this time."




"Thank you Colette for allowing me to join your Retreat. It has blessed my soul. I found the demonstration on Centering prayer so very helpful & will keep using it. I so enjoyed Thomas Keating's interview, finding him very real. The simplicity of his life and faith was an inspiration. I have ended your Retreat with the words of that lovely Hymn on my heart, ' Love Divine all Loves excelling' It is the prayer I close this Retreat with. Thank you."




"One of the graces I received during this retreat is that of keeping my focus on Divine Love. Receiving this Divine Love deep into my bones, and knowing that in first receiving it as the reality that it is actually more real than anything else, I can then reflect it more easily to all I encounter! Thank you so much Colette for enhancing and expanding my experience of Divine Love through this retreat."




"I am grateful for the grace of growing closer to the Beloved as I have experienced how deep, high, long & wide is this divine love. It is expansive, limitless, and eternal love! The Beloved is delighted to place His/Her hands on my heart, to fill me with compassion, to heal my hurts and sorrows, and to share this love between us. Being filled, I am amazed how much divine love flows out! Thanks and Blessings of love to you, Colette, and to all who have shared this retreat."




"Thank you, Colette. I now have more clarity on the difficulty of my transition. I have left this workshop with two symbols to contemplate. Great workshop. Thank you for your facilitation over the the group. You are simply wonderful."




"Wonderful retreat. Colette is great. I really like the gentle and easy way she led us. Love the art project. Love not having an agenda and her suggestion at the beginning to just relax and go with it. I like that this retreat led us somewhere—had content and worked toward deeper insights and meaning. Really liked Colette’s style of facilitation. Please offer it again! I’d love to bring friends."


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San Francisco, CA


If you would like Colette to visit your community, please contact her by filling out this form.


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San Francisco, CA


If you would like Colette to visit your community, please contact her by filling out this form.