Foundations of Centering Prayer

with Colette Lafia


Saturday August 17, 2024

10 AM – 12:30 PM Pacific Time

“Be still and know that I am God.”

Centering Prayer prepares us to more fully enter the interior silence and receive the gift of God’s presence, beyond thoughts, words and emotions. Centering Prayer facilitates the movement from more active modes of prayer–verbal, mental, or affective prayer–into a receptive prayer of resting in God. It emphasizes prayer as a personal relationship with God.

Whether you are new to Centering Prayer, or would like to deepen your practice, it is helpful to look again at the foundations of the practice.

Please join us for a morning of online instruction, group practice, and opportunity for discussion and questions.

Since I’m completing my credentialing with Contemplative Outreach, Joy Andrews-Hayter and Catherine Regan from the Mercy Center Centering Prayer Team will be accompanying me for the morning.

To learn more about Centering Prayer, please visit Contemplative Outreach.

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Colette Lafia

Colette Lafia is an author, spiritual director, and retreat leader. As a graduate of the Living School, from the Center for Action and Contemplation, Colette has a passion for sharing the contemplative path and inviting people to see themselves as manifestations of Divine Love.