Living The Divine Heart
Monthly Online Gatherings
with Colette Lafia
Is your heart yearning for a deeper experience of Divine Love, the true source of love in our hearts and in our lives? Would you like to live more fully in the Divine Heart? Would you like to grow in the practice of love?
During our monthly gatherings, we will draw on teachings from the mystics, contemporary spiritual teachers, poetry, various sacred texts. We will also draw on the illuminating teachings within Colette's book, "The Divine Heart.”
Your spiritual journey, infused with Divine Love begins here…
Trust your spiritual experience:
Our collective journey will support you in hearing and affirming your unique spiritual journey and experiences.
Find hope and healing:
Learning to live in relationship to Divine Love will give you a greater sense of belonging and trust.
Renew yourself in Love:
Discover how Love can rejuvenate and renew you every day!