Spiritual Direction

Exploring Spiritual Direction

Are you a seeker, finding yourself on a spiritual journey, and needing someone to talk to about it?

About twenty years ago, I found myself seeking healing and inner peace after experiencing layers of loss—my sister had died of breast cancer, and my husband and I faced infertility. In the darkness, I felt a pull towards Divine love. In my noticing of it, that desire began to grow.

My mother had been a spiritual director, so I was familiar with the role of someone as a spiritual companion to accompany a person through the ups and downs of life’s journey.

Entering into spiritual direction was a turning point for me. In the comfort and trust of my sessions, I was able to let go, grieve, and find a path of acceptance. I learned to listen more deeply with my heart and find the healing presence of Divine love. And It was from my own personal experience of spiritual direction that I turned towards becoming a director myself.

Papilio machaon, the Old World swallowtail

What is spiritual direction?

Spiritual direction is a process of accompanying people on a spiritual journey and helping them grow closer to God (or the sacred, the holy, or a higher power),” as stated by Spiritual Directors International.

Spiritual direction has been around for a long time, and has a rich tradition, serving to help people explore and deepen their spiritual life by sharing it with a trusted companion.

Spiritual direction provides you with spiritual companionship to reflect on the presence and action of the Divine in your daily life. It’s a time to sit and share with a trusted companion about the spiritual dimension of living. It’s a time to listen to your deepest Self and nurture your interior life.

During a session, we might engage in talking and sharing, as well as silence and prayer. We may use imagery, dreams, stories from your life, or spiritual texts and other wisdom teachings. Each person’s relationship with the Divine is unique and we honor that.

Whether you’re at a turning point in your life, trying to make major life decisions, desiring to explore your spiritual journey, yearning to heal from a painful experience, or looking to connect more deeply with the Divine, spiritual direction provides an opportunity for deeper listening and discernment.

Love is the true gift of life.It is unstoppable.

Spiritual Direction with Colette

In person sessions in San Francisco or via phone/Facetime/Zoom

Fees: $80-$95 sliding scale.

To schedule a session or ask a question, please contact Colette at colette.lafia@gmail.com.

You can also learn more about spiritual direction by visiting the web site of the Spiritual Directors International at www.sdiworld.org.

Spiritual Direction with Colette

In person sessions in San Francisco or via phone/Facetime/Zoom

Fees: $80-95 sliding scale.

To schedule a session or ask a question, please contact Colette at colette.lafia@gmail.com.

You can also learn more about spiritual direction by visiting the web site of the Spiritual Directors International at www.sdiworld.org.

Love is the true gift of life.It is unstoppable.

“Being with Colette is such a deep and precious joy. In her presence, I was able to touch into what I most treasure in myself, and what I most long for in myself. I spent two hours talking and listening with her, and after only that amount of linear time I emerged feeling as if I had been on retreat. Our meeting was a precious gift, and is still rippling through my spiritual and creative life.”


Book Developer & Creative Midwife

"Colette Lafia is a gift from God! She has the patience to listen intently; the intuition to reflect tenderly; and the spirituality to advise lovingly. Colette did all those things for me when I was desperately trying to define my life; she helped me find the comfort I so needed to move forward and gain inner strength through the grace of God."


San Francisco

"I highly recommend Spiritual Direction with Colette! My experience with her enabled me to sort out things going on in my life through reflection, talking, listening and praying. I was attending therapy at the same time and found these sessions more beneficial – it provided a more spiritual connection to God, myself and those around me."


San Francisco

"I quickly realized that Colette was a kindred spirit. I shared my crazy life story with her and came away feeling like my life is more of a painting or tapestry than a mess. She pointed out that, like a game of basketball, we have to continue to surrender our problems to God, not just turning the ball over once, but many times."



"It was a beginning conversion moment for me. The initial invitation called to me to give it a try as I knew I was in need of some spiritual direction. Colette's calm, caring, honest, and non-threatening manner kept me at ease, enabling me to calm down, go deeper, and speak from my heart. Colette is an excellent listener, picking up and carrying forward what I was able to express."



"Reading Colette's book opened my eyes to daily opportunities for surrender. Her guidance and wisdom helped me envision surrendering to love and has given me somewhere to land. This was my first experience with Spiritual Direction. Colette gave me insight into this journey of surrender and how to proceed. I look forward to continuing with her guidance."



"It was easy to enter into a very meaningful conversation with Colette. One can easily perceive the gift of spiritual direction which God has given her. I look forward to reflecting and putting into practice the feedback she shared with me."
