How to Live a Life of Hospitality
I have been reflecting upon the idea of a rhythm of life, since first being introduced to it through the Living School, which I am currently attending. The rhythm of life is a framework for one’s spiritual life and daily commitments.
In it are four components:
- 1. Contemplative Prayer and Meditation—a commitment to a daily practice
2. Contemplative Study—regular reading of sacred texts and material for growth and reflection
3. Contemplative Community—conscious interaction with a community that supports the intention to live a spiritual path
4. Contemplative Solidarity—hospitality to others and awareness of the difficulties and pain in the world
I am finding that the framework for a rhythm of life is a tool that is providing me with a way to check in with myself. If offers me a way to reflect upon my daily life and to see how I might be out of balance.
I invite you to utilize this framework as a way to reflect upon your daily life and commitments, and perhaps to notice where you might be feeling out of balance.
This week, in the second session of the mini-retreat series on Hospitality I am facilitating, I introduced the framework of a rhythm of life, which set the foundation for our discussion that evening.
During our session, we took time to examine the question of boundaries and how they can support us in becoming people of hospitality. Some of the statements Lonni Collins Pratt makes in her book Radical Hospitality on boundaries can be quite challenging. She states:
• Boundaries allow us to give more to others, not less.
• Being a person with strong and wise boundaries does not make you selfish. Maintaining boundaries is how we remain hospitable and accepting of ourselves.
• Part of the internal work hospitality requires is setting boundaries.
As we prayed with these ideas, many of the members in the group realized that seeing boundaries in the context of a rhythm of life, allowed them to see boundaries in a new way. They began to see boundaries in terms of living a life that was in balance or out of balance.
We all need time of prayer and quiet, as well as time of community and action. We all need time to turn inward, in order to refill our vessel, so that we can more deeply reach outward and care for others.
I invite you to reflect on your spiritual rhythm of life.
- What do you need to feel more in balance?
- How can hospitality become an inner stance in you, a disposition of your heart?