The Power of our words

Our words are very powerful. What we say to one another can have a deep and profound effect. Working with children, I really notice this. If I support a child’s effort in an encouraging way, then the child will feel more inspired to continue trying. My words are like watering seeds in a garden. Kind words, encouraging words, and words of praise can help a child progress and grow.

Just tonight, I was telling my husband I was anxious about an upcoming doctor’s appointment. At first, his response was abrupt, and then I said, “I’d appreciate softer words.” He then turned around and said more reassuring words in a softer tone.

What a difference words can make, and what an impact a tone of voice can have? Words can bring people closer or divide them. Notice the way you speak to yourself. It’s very revealing. Sometimes, our lack of gentleness with others stems from the pressure and demands we are putting on ourselves.

For today, ask yourself: Can I bring a gentleness to my inner voice? Can I be more encouraging and supportive to myself and others? 
