Living into Surrendering: Small Ways and Big Ways
My daily journey, and invitation to all of us, to live into surrendering for 21 days continues. Today is Day 6. And even though I have written an entire book on the subject, I am reminded of what St. Benedict in his Rule writes: “Always we begin again.”
Each day. Each moment. An invitation to surrender. In small ways and big ways.
And the two actually live together, hand in hand, side by side, salt and pepper, bread and butter. Just this morning, I had a little call to surrender. My husband and I were in the kitchen preparing our breakfast when his cup of tea slipped out of his hand, causing it to spill onto the counter and floor. He said something, indicating that I was crowding him near the sink, which caused the problem.
Surrendering in the moment allowed me to: 1) speak up in a non-aggressive way, and point out his tendency at times to look for a target, to which he listened; 2) help him clean up the spill and let it go, and 3) not dwell on the incident for the rest of the morning. So simple, yet with the attitude of surrender, it allowed me to speak up gently, step back, and to respond not react.
I am also surrendering in big ways by being a compassionate presence for two people in my life, whom I love very dearly that are handling a cancer diagnosis. I am listening to their concerns; praying for them and their families; and waiting with them as things unfold. This is a place of mystery, which can be difficult. It is a place to pray into that brings me to deep silence.
This morning, I was reading my “Liturgy of the Hours,” and the passage was from Isaiah 55: 1-3. I love the opening lines that read: All you who are thirsty, come to the water!
At times, surrender is that movement of feeling your thirst and coming to the water.
Trust beyond trust. Bring your thirst to the One who offers you water.
I have decided to live into surrender more consciously for 21 days, and share the journey with others, for the benefit of our own peace, and the peace of those around us.
For today, hear the invitation to surrender in small ways and big ways.