The Spirit Offers Healing
Wednesday Wisdom: Gazing at my life with the Spirit.
I continue to open myself to deeper healing within, wanting freedom, wanting integration. As I mourn the loss of my mother, I meet tender wounds that I still carry from a complex childhood. But healing is a process, not something I can rush, or push, or manipulate. Yet, it is something I can open myself up to receiving it.
Last Friday, I awoke in the early morning, sat in my living room by the warmth of my fireplace, and practiced “gazing on my life with the Spirit.” It was still dark out, and I felt a stillness in the air. I embraced this quiet atmosphere. Deep within, I allowed silence to be present. “Dear God, may I see my life with you,” I prayed. Could I gaze at my life with the Spirit?
I sat in silence, with this invitation in my heart, and as a quietness settled in my heart, I felt a softness open up within. It was as though a flower was gently opening in the morning sunlight. The presence of the Spirit felt so soft, and I welcomed it. I was willing to bring my judgmental voice forward, the voice that constantly tells me how I am not enough, and is always measuring my life.
[bctt tweet=”Could I look at my need for healing, together, with the Spirit? I sat in silence, in the soft opening of my heart, and listened.” username=”ColetteLafia”]
And God, in God’s infinite wisdom, surprised me and gave me an insight. I realized that all these years, by not feeling like I was enough, I was more open to the Divine to fill me. I had a glimpse of a hidden gift that had been given to me.
Yes, beyond our limited human thinking, God looks at our lives so differently, and surprises us.
Together, as we gaze on the tender places in our hearts, can we listen to what the Spirit wants to say to us about them? If we dare, we might walk into a new way of seeing ourselves and our lives, a healed way, an integrated way..
Pause & Practice
- Give yourself the gift of some quiet time this week.
- As you dwell in the silence of your heart, invite the Divine to look at your tender heart with you.
- Be open, listen, and discover God’s way of looking at your life and looking at you.