Living in Wonder & Mystery
Wednesday Wisdom: Living in Wonder & Mystery.
The Christmas season is a time of wonder and mystery. It reminds us that love and compassion are being birthed in our lives and in the world around us, even in the midst of sorrow. This mystery naturally brings us to silence.
What if we allow ourselves to enter into mystery—silence, darkness, not knowing, and open our hearts to Divine revelation. The spiritual writer Richard Rohr tells us that, “The big revelation is that matter and spirt are not separate, and we are being invited to see this mystery everywhere—and in ourselves.” We are living and participating in the mystery. The heart intuits this; it holds the knowledge that we are a rosebud opening in Divine love.
We cultivate our relationship to Mystery by letting love flow through us, and by seeing love, creation, the Divine, ourselves and others as both the sources and the manifestations of this Divine love and mystery. It takes faithfulness, and this journey of faithfulness is one we share with our spiritual ancestors.
Mary, the Holy Mother, lived this Mystery—this unfolding of divine love and mystery that she could not fully understand, but lived, day by day, in silence, in darkness, in unknowing. She lived the journey of surrender and love.
Love makes us humble; it’s magnificent, immeasurable, and tender. It’s impossible to grab hold of and grasp in the palm of our hand. All we can do is give ourselves to it, and let it form us into who we truly are: a manifestation of love. Love is always giving itself to us. It is the sacred source of life, and our relationship with love is mutual.
So in this season let us listen to the words of my dear teacher and mentor, Angeles Arrien, who always said, “Let the mystery work you.”