Believing that Love Heals
Wednesday Wisdom. Love Heals.
I just spent Labor Day weekend with my 92-year old mother in Palm Springs. Just the two of us. I am grateful that she is relatively well, and still lives in her own home with the daily care of people in the mornings to give her a shower, and help her prepare for the day.
My history with my mother is complex, as I am one of a large family, and she struggled with alcoholism during my childhood, and recovered when I was sixteen. My father was difficult at times, and a sense of ingratitude pervaded our home. My mother and I have had many honest and painful talks, which have been healing over the years.
During this past weekend together, my mother and I shared some light carefree moments, along with some heavier darker moments. We hung around as two women, sharing our lives. I sat on the carpet in her bedroom, while she pushed her walker over to her closet, held herself steady, and showed me some of the new light weight clothes she had purchased from a catalog for the desert heat.
At another moment, we sat on the edge of her queen size bed, as she shared with me about the lonely moments in her life, and the times times when she went to bed crying. I listened intently, looking into her brown watery eyes. I then shared with her the many lonely moments I had over the years, awake with insomnia and feeling overburdened.
I must give it to my mom; she’s not afraid of pain; she’s not afraid of strong emotions. As we listened to each other, I could feel the power of love healing us. Yes, love heals, if we open ourselves to it. I visualized love infusing us, choosing to believe in the power of love.
[bctt tweet=”I visualized love infusing us, choosing to believe in the power of love.” username=”ColetteLafia”]
Love gives us the strength and courage to be present to one another, to trust that love can heal us, and to belief in the power of forgiveness.
Can we pour fresh love onto our wounds, allowing ourselves to continue on the journey of healing? I like thinking about love as fresh, as immediate, and as an infinite source of healing.
- Can love be an balm that helps you heal a wound or a tender-hearted place within?
- Remind yourself that “love heals,” and gently invite love into a hurting place, or a place within that needs loving kindness.