Breaking Open
Wednesday Wisdom: Breaking Open.
The spiritual life invites us into an intimate way of living. It invites us to ground ourselves in the awareness that God is infinite love, and we are a manifestation of that love.
What would your day be like if you really saw yourself and everyone around you as an expression of this outpouring of Divine generosity and love?
Recently, I was at a contemplative retreat,with teacher and writer, James Finley, and on the last morning, I felt infused with this tremendous sense of love. As I sat silently at breakfast in the warmth of the wood panel dining room, my eyes gazed over the other retreatants, and I felt my heart seeing each person as a manifestation of God’s great and boundless love. My eyes teared up, and I felt a softness envelope me.
Oh, that I may have eyes that see.
I invite you to remind yourself of this truth. I am convinced that the more we see ourselves through the eyes of love, the more we can open up to everything around us with that awareness.
As James Finley said during the retreat:
To see every person as an outpouring of Infinite Love–as an expression of Divine Love made manifest, and to live from that awakening, will break something in you wide open.
Pause and Prayer
- Throughout the day, pause and remind yourself: I am a manifestation of God’s infinite love.
- Throughout the day, pause and see the people right in front of you a manifestation of God’s love.