Choose to be Grateful: Day 6
Choose to be Grateful: Day 6.
21 days of Gratitude: Awakening the Heart
In her introduction to Living in Gratitude, Angeles Arrien reminds us that “Gratitude is a feeling that spontaneously emerges from within. However, it is not simply an emotional response: it is also a choice we make. We can choose to be grateful, or we can choose to be ungrateful–to take our gifts and blessings for granted.”
How do we choose gratitude? It is through a daily practice of gratitude that keeps the heart open.
I am amazed at the simple and powerful practice of keeping a gratitude journal. This practice, along with the Breath of Thanks, allow us to choose a stance of gratitude. They help us to align ourselves to the commitment of living with grateful seeing.
How are you choosing gratitude today? Perhaps, it’s through more consciously saying thank you in an authentic and sincere way to those around you.
As we meet our barriers and resistances, we trust that our gratitude is greater. We pray: in the secret of my heart teach me wisdom (psalm 51: 14).
Gratitude Journal for Day 6:
- Pause. Settle into the moment.
- Open your heart in gratitude.
- List 5 or more moments, experiences, or things you are grateful for today.
- Amen.