Hearing Sacred Words of Gratitude
For today’s Wednesday Wisdom, I’d like to share a sacred practice that I call: Hearing Sacred Words of Gratitude.
A few weeks ago, I attended a retreat with Veronica Mary Rolf, author of Julian’s Gospel, who invited us to imagine hearing God saying “Thank You,” to us. (This was inspired by one of Julian of Norwich’s Revelations.)
I asked myself: What would it be like to hear interiorly the Holy saying “Thank You” to me? I discovered this wasn’t easy for me, for a variety of reasons. I realized this was a grace to open up to, and a daily practice to engage in. Slowly, I am beginning to feel my heart opening and receiving this sacred gratitude, and as I do, I sense God’s delight.
Hearing Sacred Words of Gratitude
- Before you begin, take a few minutes and settle into yourself. Allow yourself to simply focus on your breath for at least 5 cycles of breath: in, out. Feel the breath in your body. Notice how it creates a sense of quiet within.
- Close your eyes and gaze at your heart center. Rest your attention at your heart, as though it is a dwelling place.
- In your heart, touch the presence of the Divine. Release and let it emerge.
- As this Presence awakens, allow yourself to hear in your heart the words: Thank You.
- It might be Thank You for something specific, or for something more general.
- Thank You for taking care of (someone); Thank You for being a loving spouse or parent; Thank You for the good job you do everyday as an____. Thank You for enjoying creation– the birds, the flowers, the trees, the moon.
- Notice how you are open to receiving God’s gratitude, and how you are closed to receiving it.
- Engage in this practice for the next week, integrate it into your prayer, and see how it shifts.
- You may like to extend this practice by writing about your experience in your journal.