

When I was interviewed last month, the person interviewing me noticed that in my book Comfort & Joy, I talk about the importance of listening to oneself. He asked me: How do we listen to ourselves?

When I wrote Comfort & Joy, I was referring to listening to one’s needs. I was talking about an attentiveness to taking care of oneself, and the importance of asking oneself: What do I need right now?

Cultivating Comfort
Comfort comes through listening, to others and to yourself. Take time to listen to what wants to speak in you. It may be your body asking you for attention, your thoughts wanting to be expressed, or your heart needing some tenderness.

Listen and respond to yourself.
Do you need to slow down or speed up?
Do you need to be alone or be with more people?
Do you need to rest or engage in more rigorous activity?

Only you know the answer to your questions. Now listen.