Live By a Few Simple Principles
Wednesday Wisdom: Live By a Few Simple Principles.
I remember what the late Matthew Kelty, a trappist monk at the Abbey of Gethsemani, once said in one of his evening talks while I was on a retreat at the monastery. “Live by a few simple principles.”
I have reflected on this many times, and I pause and reflect on this again. I am noticing that as the pace picks up as we approach the fall, I’m already thinking about all the things I need to get done before the holidays. But I catch myself, bringing myself back to the moment–to what is right before me, the fresh strawberries for breakfast, the tears of a friend sharing her struggles with me, and the sky as I walk through the park.
What are the few simple principles you want to live by these days?
- Reflect on what you are committed to during this time in your life. Perhaps, it is to find more quiet time to rest in God’s love in the midst of a busy day; or it may be to live with more compassion towards yourself and others; or it may be as simple as to smile more in your day.
- Once you identify your principles, give them voice. Write them down. Make them real. Pray over them. Ask yourself: How would that look in my life, in my day, in my heart and in my attitude?.
- Practice the art of reflection. Reflection is a wonderful practice. It helps you notice what deepens your commitments, as well as what pulls you away from them. It’s not about judging yourself, but about honesty, and asking for the grace to help you live in a way that has integrity for you.
The few principles I want to live by right now are:
- to be more present in my day
- to be more consciously connected to the Divine in my daily awareness
- to live with more joy because of a deep and abiding sense of gratitude
- and to let love show me the way to live.
How can I find simple and immediate ways to live by a few simple principles in my day?
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Just last week, when I was about to read my first grade students a story during their weekly library visit, I paused for a moment, and asked them all to smile. It was a beautiful sight, as though a field of poppies had blossomed right before my eyes. Doesn’t it feel good to smile? I asked them. One little boy, with curly brown hair, raised his hand and said, “Yes, it feels like a tickle inside of me.” And I thought, that’s the joy of being present!