Living into Surrendering: Be Awake
Living Into Surrendering: Day 13, Be Awake
I have decided to live into surrender more consciously for 21 days, and share the journey with others. I invite you to join me, for the benefit of your own peace, and the peace of those around you.
“I have had a constant companion in God,” Brother Rene, my late friend and Trappist monk, told me the first time we met.
In the midst of being so busy, juggling going back to work as a part-time school librarian, while keeping my writing and spiritual direction practice going, these words reverberate strongly.
I woke up early, and sat quietly in my bedroom chair, with one votive candle flickering. I found myself praying: Dear God, don’t let me get lost in all of this busyness and doing and striving. I could feel my desire to stay connected to God in the deepest way.
Surrendering into living is about remembering that the Spirit is always with me as I live my daily journey. God is my constant companion.
Sometimes inside of us there is an interior battle. We might be filled with tension because of conflicts that are happening on many levels in our lives. This is where we need to allow God to be present, or as Fr. Richard Rohr reminds us, to allow ourselves to awaken to the presence of God that is already and always there.
“To become aware of God’s presence in our lives, we have to accept what is often difficult, particularly for people in what appears to be a successful culture. We have to accept that human culture is in a mass hypnotic trance. We’re sleepwalkers…That’s why the Buddha and Jesus say with one voice: Be Awake.” –from What the Mystics Know, by Richard Rohr
Invitation for Today:
- How might we practice being awake today?
- How might we see that God is our constant companion?