Living into Surrendering: Patience
Living Into Surrendering: Day 16, Patience
I have decided to live into surrender more consciously for 21 days, and share the journey with others. I invite you to join me, for the benefit of your own peace, and the peace of those around you.
What am I being called to let go of? Fear. After careful discernment and deep discussion with my husband, I decided to let go of one of my days of work for this school year. It was just too much for me to work in three separate libraries with various grade levels. This is new for me: to set boundaries, and to take a chance on myself, to hear my desire to write more and do more spiritual direction.
We have to trust our timing. We are organic, and there’s a ripeness to things. And that’s what I am doing. But I am facing fear on so many levels.
Dear One, guide me during this time as things are shifting and give me patience.
“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit.” (Gal 5:22-23,25)
Here is a model to pray with the fruits of the spirit. I want to share it with you. It is taken from a wonderful book, The First Spiritual Exercises, Adapted by Michael Hansen, S.J.
- Opening Prayer: I ask the Spirit for understanding of the gifts, that I may use them for her greater service.
- I desire spiritual growth through the fruits of the Spirit.
- I consider patience.
- What is the Spirit offering me here?
- Where is it present in my life?
- Where is it absent in my life?
- I reflect on the contrary of patience.
- After 3 minutes, I ask the Spirit for what I desire now.
Hansen says, “In practicing a particular fruit, I can act when I desire, or I can surrender myself to the Spirit, to allow that gift or fruit to pour through me.”
I am drawn to the latter–to surrender myself to the Spirit, and to allow the fruit to pour through me. The image of pouring through me is SO liberating. I don’t have to work hard here, but open myself in faith and trust. But I must pay attention.
I close with this beautiful poem.
Holy Spirit Giving Life
Holy Spirit,
giving life to all life
moving all creatures,
root of all things,
washing them clean,
wiping out their mistakes,
healing their wounds,
you are our true life,
luminous, wonderful,
awakening the heart
from its ancient sleep.–Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179)