Living into Surrendering: Present Moment
Living Into Surrendering: Day 17, Present Moment
I have decided to live into surrender more consciously for 21 days, and share the journey with others. I invite you to join me, for the benefit of your own peace, and the peace of those around you.
I feel like a garden that is settling down after a heavy rainfall: the flowers dry off and begin to open up; the plants look more stable; and the birds return to the feeders. After a week of being thrust into the elements of intense emotions and decision making, I am settling down.
And even though my mind fluctuates with thoughts of insecurity and fear, I am noticing them and bringing myself back to the present moment. I can’t force this movement. So I say: O Lord, Come to my assistance. Bring me to the present moment. Without your help, I can’t do it right now.
To surrender is to remind ourselves that we are not alone; to remember that God is with us on our journey; and to not get lost in the noise inside and outside of ourselves. So, I cry out: O Lord, Come to my assistance. Bring me to this present moment.
After Mass today, I spent time sitting quietly in the sacrament of the present moment. There is a depth of quiet in the church when only a few people are sitting in the pews praying.
It was such a gift to allow myself to settle down, and enjoy this sacred moment with the One I am loving, and who is loving me into Being every moment. Sometimes, it is very enjoyable to carve out special time to spend with God.
Living into surrendering is about being in the sacrament of the present moment.
What could that look like for you today?
I agree present moment is the key.
I step back and embrace nature,
The wind,ocean and the sky we are