Living into Surrendering: Silence
Living Into Surrendering: Day 8, Dwelling in Silence.
I have decided to live into surrender more consciously for 21 days, and share the journey with others. I invite you to join me, for the benefit of your own peace of mind, and the peace of those around you.
Yesterday, I found myself in the in-between space. Someone I was waiting for didn’t show up, so I had time before my next appointment. Open space. Waiting time. I started looking at emails and websites on my phone, when I realized this was a perfect moment to stop and dwell in silence. With that awareness, I needed to make a choice.
I decided to put down the phone, silence the ringer, and just sit in my chair. It felt SO good. I sat still, taking a few deeper breaths, and allowing myself to invite silence into my heart. Of course, my mind was rambling will all I had to do, but my heart was SO happy to dwell in a sense of quiet, and bring more awareness to the presence of the Divine.
These are the moments, of sweet, simple surrendering that if we pay attention to, we will cultivate and appreciate.
These are the moments that create a sense of spaciousness in us, in our hearts, and in our days, allowing ourselves to remember the sacredness of our lives.
Living into surrendering is an invitation to “catch” these moments–to allow the in-between time to be times to nourish our souls. Even in the midst of a rambling mind, there is a silence in the depth of your heart.
- Stop and be still, take a few deeper breaths, and rest in your heart. See if you can do this a few times throughout the day.
- Today, while driving, turn off the radio, resist talking on the phone, and allow a sense of silence to fill you.
- Find a moment in your day–in the in-between space–to dwell in silence by being still, and allowing the space to open up like a flower in the sun.