Love is a constant source of energy
Wednesday Wisdom: Love is a Source of Energy.
What if sharing love wasn’t based on how we were feeling, but based on a daily, intentional commitment to love? There are many moments in a day when we just don’t feel good for various reasons–fatigue, stress, worry, anger, and more–and in those moments, we tend to constrict and not live out of love.
A few years ago, a Jesuit priest said to me: I get my energy from loving the people I am serving. His comment continues to resonate with me, reminding me that love is an energy that is boundless and infinite, and not contingent on how I am feeling.
God is love, and this love can fuel us.
Why live under so much pressure to always feel good, since that is impossible? Love has no conditions for it is infinite. We are always living a relationship of love.
So this is my intention right now: to let love fuel me.
Can we have faith that love creates more love, regardless of how we feel at times. Right now, I’m not feeling good; I’m stressed; I’m disappointed; my job is too demanding. But none of that needs to stop me from living in love. Love is bigger than me: thank God.
Lately, when I can’t sleep, or during my meditation, I have been letting myself be absorbed in the intimate love relationship I am truly sharing with God. Take a moment and see yourself as a rose being held in God’s heart, blooming in love.
There is no agenda but love.
Can you let love be a source of energy for you, even if you’re tired, weary, or discouraged? What would that look like in your life?