Rejoice in Love
Wednesday Wisdom: Rejoice in Love
Recently, I experienced a very big disappointment, a project I had been working on for many months didn’t materialize the way I had hoped. Being disappointed, and even discouraged, is an experience we all share. As hard as it is, it can be a time of discernment.
I return to the roots of surrender, so grateful for this powerful teaching in my life. Writing the book Seeking Surrender, has ended up being a blueprint for my life. I return to Brother Rene’s words, the Trappist monk I corresponded with for five years, and whose letters form the basis of the book. He writes:
You speak about success and failure. Stop and put it into perspective.You are.You exist.What more could you want? Success means nothing. It is Being that counts.Think of the wonder of it all. Rejoice in the Love that brought you into existence. (pg. 84, Seeking Surrender)
Can we “rejoice in the Love” that brought us into existence?
Lately, I’ve been thinking that I not only love, but I AM LOVE. I am a manifestation of Love itself; I am Love’s very essence. Now, that is true success! Let’s ponder this Love deep in our hearts.
I have also been remembering the words of an amazing painter and great friend, Leigh Hyams, who, towards the end of her life said to me, “Yes, I would have liked to have been more successful, but really, doing the creative work was what mattered the most!”
Practice for Today:
- Find a quiet moment in your day–it doesn’t matter if it’s sitting in your car in the parking lot before you go grocery shopping. Allow yourself to be still for a few minutes. Take a few deep breaths. Repeat the words, ” I am Love,” slowly and lovingly.
- How does seeing yourself as Love shift the way you relate to the notions of success and failure?