See Yourself as a Manifestation of Divine Love
Wednesday Wisdom: See Yourself as a Manifestation of Divine Love.
“…Our very being and the very being of everyone and everything around us is the generosity of God. God is creating us in the present moment, loving us into being, such that our very presence is the manifested presence of God.”
–James Finely, from Christian Meditation.
The more we cultivate an awareness that we are not separate from any part of life and love, the more we can let go of our attachment to seeing ourselves as separate. This sense of connection to the whole of life and love brings a deep feeling of wellbeing, and opens our heart to living in a deeper place of love and generosity for ourselves and others.
Here’s a sacred practice to encourage you to feel more oneness with the creative power of Divine love:
- Close your eyes, sit quietly, and focus on your breath, allowing yourself to become absorbed by Divine love, like a sponge that absorbs water.
- Next, pray with these words by Thomas Merton: Love is my true identity. Love is my true character. Love is my name. As you pray, fill yourself with the energy of love. Feel love pouring into your body, into your heart, and into your mind. Feel yourself filling up with the presence of love.
- In your journal, write about the ways God is calling you to see Love as your true identity. You might want to try drawing what this might look like.
- Seek to identify and give up some of the ways you block yourself from being a full expression of love in the world.
- Throughout the coming week, look for little and immediate ways to empty out—let go of something you are worrying about, spend time outside and feel the fresh air brush against your skin, laugh at yourself in the most generous way—and offer God more room in your life.