Step Back, Take a Breath, Let Go with Love
Wednesday Wisdom: Step Back, Take a Breath, and Let Go with Love.
I’ve just returned from spending Labor Day weekend in Toronto with family. Before my husband and I went on the trip, we reflected upon how we wanted to relate to our family during this time of change and transition–some health concerns, marriage problems, and money issues. There are times in a family when we are celebrating, and there are times in a family when we are facing loss and difficulties.
How do we learn to bring love to every situation? How do we learn to be present and caring, knowing we must let go and allow those we love to live their own lives and lessons?
It ended up being a trip filled with honest sharing and tears, and most of all love and support. Most importantly, I remembered to step back, take a breath, and not react. And when I would slip, I tried not judge myself, but just reset my intention. My husband and I kept reminding each other: to step back, take a breath, and let go with love.
It really was as though throughout the weekend, we were being called to live out the words ““Do not judge, and you will not be judged.” (Luke 6:37).
I invite you for the next week, to observe your life, yourself, and what is going on around you with that framework: do not judge, and you will not be judged.
So often, we are judging others from a standpoint of being self-judging, of not being patient, and loving, and compassionate with ourselves. What would it be like to not judge yourself? What would it be like to not judge others? This is the wisdom we are being invited to live.