The Energy of Gratitude: Day 13
The Energy of Gratitude: Day 13.
–21 Days of Gratitude: Awakening the Heart
We all have stubborn places in us; thoughts and feelings that stick to us like gum on the sole of a shoe. Yet the practice of gratitude allows a new energy to stir in us. So for today, I am inviting us to strengthen the energy of gratitude.
Let us start the day together with a prayer of thanks:
From Psalm 11
from Psalms for Praying: An invitation to Wholeness, by Nan C. Merrill
Praise the Beloved, O my soul!
I will give thanks to You with
my whole heart,
to all who will Listen, I will
tell of your goodness.
Wondrous is Creation, Great Builder;
I take pleasure in pondering
your Work…
As Angeles Arrien writes in Living in Gratitude, “Grateful seeking is the ability to look first for what is good and working in our lives without minimizing or denying the hardships or challenges that are also present…We can learn to be seers–seers of the blessings, learnings, mercies, and protections that are ever present.”
Keep the energy of gratitude moving in you and around you today in all that you say, think, feel and do!
Gratitude Journal for Day 13:
- Pause. Settle into the moment.
- Open your heart in gratitude.
- List 5 or more moments, experiences, or things you are grateful for today.
- List a blessing in your life.
- Amen