Waters of Trust
Blessed is the person who trust in the Lord,
Whose hope is the Lord,
She is like a tree planted beside the waters
that stretches out its roots to the stream;
It fears not the heat when it comes,
its leaves stay green…
–Jeremiah 17:7-8
I share this passage with you because it deeply resonated with me in meditation and prayer the other day. In the past few weeks, I have been facing some difficult work situations and meeting many restless nights. I tend to get in the habit of “trying to figure things out,” which is helpful, but at some point, I know that I need to surrender to TRUST.
In the midst of feeling the push and pull, and ups and downs, of my situations, I asked myself: How can my heart be stabilized when fear and uncertainty are pressing into me?
The image of being “like a tree planted beside the waters; that stretches out its roots to the stream,” reminded me how essential it is to plant myself by God, and stretch out my roots to be continuously watered by trust.
As I sat in prayer, infusing my heart and mind with this passage, I began to feel some stability inside myself, and realized that I needed to stop doing anything. Like the tree, I am planted by the waters of trust, and in the heat of difficulties, fears, and uncertainties, my leaves would stay green.
“We can do nothing without God because we are never separate from God,” Teresa of Avila (16th century mystic).
Can you plant yourself by God and allow yourself to be watered by trust?