Accepting What Is

Can I accept the difficult and demanding situation I have found myself in with this insomnia? I am searching for a sustainable response to this problem, which is proving to take time. There isn’t a quick fix here, taking a pill is only a temporary measure. It takes patience to address the root of the problem. In the meantime, I am uncomfortable, my sleep is fractured and my faith is being tested.

This is such a deep calling for acceptance. I really need to accept what is. Surrender.

Cultivating Comfort:
Can I learn to gently say, ‘I accept what is happening in my life, and hold myself with tenderness, love and comfort.’

Is there something right now that is asking for your acceptance? Is there a loving way you can accept what is in yourself, in your life, in someone else? What opens you to surrender, what closes you off from it. Can we commitment ourselves to small steps, to breathing into the body and softening the resistance.