The Practice of Surrender

images2.jpegFive small moments of practicing surrender.

1. If I’m tired, then I’m tired. I don’t need to push myself to get everything on my to-do list done. I don’t need to pressure myself to feel any different than I feel. I can take it easy during my free time — walk in the park, take a gentle yoga class, meet a friend for lunch, or take some quiet time to be with myself.

2. My husband and I are taking a drive on a Saturday morning. I feel like talking. My husband is quiet. Do I push for conversation or let go? I surrender to the moment, and enjoy the scenery, not pushing for more.

3. When I am sitting in a chair, I notice if I am sitting back into the chair. I take a moment to release myself more fully into the seat of the chair and relax into the back of the chair, surrendering to the present moment.

4. Can I be with what is and release into it? My library homework, my lack of money to take a big vacation, the truth that sometimes I have trouble sleeping.

5. I sit on a park bench for 20 precious minutes, and feel the embrace of the sun on my back. I surrender to the freedom of just being.