Living into Surrender: Meet the Moment

Living Into Surrendering: Day 5

I have decided to live into surrender more consciously for 21 days, and share the journey with others, for the benefit of our own peace of mind, and the peace of those around us.

Ten Ways to Practice Surrender Today:

  1. Practice patience with whatever is occurring—I’m in another cycle of not sleeping through the night, and leaning into it with love makes it so much easier.
  2. Seek some moments of solitude and silence—practicing pausing and taking three deep breaths before you get out of the car to enter your office building, or the grocery story.
  3. Suspend judgment on yourself and others.
  4. Relax your body when possible. Notice if your jaw is clenched, and release it; notice if your shoulders are hunched, and drop them; notice if you need to sit back in your chair.
  5. Share your day more consciously with God. Gently and often say: God and I are together in this day.
  6. Be grateful for all the little things: a cup of tea, comfortable shoes, a smile or kind word from someone.
  7. Call out for guidance and assistance. My prayer today is: Dear God, I am tired today, please help me through this day. Amen.
  8. If possible, step away from a situation, (even for a few minutes), and give it breathing room. Create more spaciousness.
  9. Stay in the present moment—hear God saying, “Let me do the heavy lifting.”
  10. Meet your resistance with an open heart. Oh, there’s my resistance. And then ask yourself: What’s the invitation here for surrendering?

