Daily Living

Have you ever had enough of a day, but had to keep going? I hit that point at around lunchtime today. I wanted to stop talking, stop interacting with people, stop responding to demands. I wanted to shout: I’ve had enough. But that wasn’t a choice. So what could I do?

I had to stretch myself, expand my capacity. Becoming more aware of my breathing helped. I sat at my desk and took a few deep breaths. I closed my eyes and felt the vastness inside of me. I reminded myself to do one thing at a time. I paid attention not to be pulled behind, and not to be pushed ahead.

I watched the self talk. If I say to myself, I can’t take anymore, then that becomes my focus. Whereas, if I support myself, and remind myself to simply do one thing at a time, I can keep myself gathered together and not feel scattered. I also reminded myself to bring joy to what I was doing.

Breathing In,
I calm myself.
Breathing Out,
I feel ease.
Dwelling in the present moment,
I am in the here and now.

This is a modification of a mantra from Thich Nhat Hanh. His work has been very important for me. It has calmed me, soothed me, and encouraged me.

Later, I was able to reflect on ways I could prevent myself from becoming overextended. I realized that I needed to take a break during the day, to allow myself some private time, even in a very hectic and busy time. I can take a walk around the block, sit for a few minutes and be quiet, or stop to enjoy a cup of tea.

How can you take time every day to renew and refresh your energy?
Connect to sources of energy…pray, walk, laugh, read, be quiet, chat with a friend, enjoy eating your lunch…


  1. Joanna on March 4, 2008 at 10:07 am

    I love this and just used it in my busy work day. Just reading what you wrote gave me comfort and breath and quiet in the noisiness of NYC.