

It was almost seven years ago that I started pondering the word, Comfort. I liked the word, the way it brought me ease from its simple sound. Comfort, I’d say to myself. That’s what I need. Tired and broken from disappointments and efforts, I began to seek comfort in my daily life. And so began my exploration. What could be of comfort? What qualities did comfort hold that I was craving? How could I connect more with the sources of comfort in my daily life?

Questions are always a good way to start something. They allow for an answer to emerge. You might want to ask yourself: What is Comfort?  Can you be open and curious, and allow your answers to the question to catch you by surprise? I rediscovered that eating toast with strawberry jam, and looking at the morning light outside my bedroom window could produce warmth, reassurance, and the delight of comfort. I look forward to sharing this comfort journey with you.