Fill Yourself with Delight
Wednesday Wisdom: Fill Yourself with Delight.
“Every object, every being, is a jar full of delight.” – Rumi
Delight—what a beautiful word! Say the word aloud as you read it: Delight. It’s so uplifting—a word that begs for an answer to the question: How am I living a life of delight during these summer months?
Here are some simple ways, I’m finding delight. I am:
- Enjoying the sweet juiciness of summer fruits—peaches, watermelons, cherries.
- Being grateful every day for my life.
- Becoming more present to God’s constant love.
- Listening to the silence that lies beneath the noises of everyday life.
- Hanging out with myself and enjoying my own company.
And through it all, I can feel how God takes delight in us and we take delight in God in all things.
During difficult times—in the world and within our personal lives—we often feel cut off from delight. Yet, it’s important that we restore a sense of balance in ourselves by bringing more joy and delight into our daily lives.
Pause & Prayer:
- How can you allow God to delight in you, and live the psalm, “The Lord takes delight in his people.”
- How can you recognize the sacredness of taking delight in the many gifts of the day, no matter what else may be going on?