Noticing Moments of Grace
Wednesday Wisdom. Notice a Moment of Living Grace.
This month, I continue to focus my blog posts on Living Our Graces–inviting us to take time to notice our own spiritual insights, and acknowledge our personal spiritual wisdom. We all have deep and rich lives, in which God is alive and at work every day–in everyone of us.
Pause and reflect: Where, How, and In What Way have you have awakened to spiritual insight through your life, recently.
Our lives are living prayers; they are where we meet God–in the thick of it; the pain of it; the joy of it. Today, as I was swimming, I felt hot tears fill my googles. Today was the anniversary of my father’s death, and as I swam, I felt a wave of emotion moving through me. I felt tender hearted. And I felt God holding my tender heart, and sharing this profound passage with me. This was a moment of grace, when I recognized: You are with me.
We must listen to our own spiritual experiences–as simple as they may seem. We must recognize the daily moments of grace: when we say Thank You to our spouse for taking care of something around the house; when we are patient with a child; when we are kind to ourselves and let go of a mistake; when we say a Hail Mary to break a negative pattern of thought; when we consciously say, “I don’t want to complain,” and focus on something good that has happened in our day.
All these simple ways are how God is breaking through in our daily lives.
Create a prayer that is an expression of your heart. My prayer today is: Dear God, I entrust my life to you. You are the real back up plan.