Relationship is Key
Wednesday Wisdom: Relationship is Key
Last week was Dr. Seuss’s birthday, and my week at the elementary school library where I work part-time was filled with reading fun phrases like “there’s a Bofa on my Sofa,” and “A Zamp in my Lamp,” and a “Nink in my Sink,” and “A Nureau in my Bureau.”
The sounds of laughter filled the library, as students enjoyed the creative playfulness of language that Dr. Seuss is so well known for. He believed that children need to enjoy what they are reading in order to want to read! This idea resonated with me. It made be realize, once again, that our relationship to something often forms the basis of our experiences.
Recently, at a workshop I attended on the subject of discernment, the presenter brought to our attention the importance of looking at “our shape of God,” as she called it. She was making a point that our shape of God, for example whether it is one of judge or one of compassion, directly affects our relationship to the Divine. Have you ever lived in a house with a judgmental person? You can’t wait to get out of there! Have you ever spent time with a kind and loving person? You feel safe and can be yourself.
Growing in our relationship with the Divine is the heart of the spiritual journey. I invite you to take time today, to reflect upon your shape of God, and see what wants to grow, shift, or expand.
Pause & Reflect
- Be Still and Know that I am God (psalm 46:10)
- Can you let yourself be seen exactly as you are and received with love by the Divine