In the direction of light

I move between the darkness and the light, between the shadows, gray fog and translucent blue sky. It’s dynamic. And yet I am sensing that there is more light available to me, and that even in darkness there are rays of light.

We often think of light as something that helps us see– a reading light, a flashlight, a lamp, overhead light. We often associate light as an exterior source. Light shines on us, into a room, onto a painting. But painting is a great example of how light also shines from within. Look at the way the light is intrinsic to this painting Parable of a Rich Man, 1627, by Rembrandt.

I am interested in discovering the intrinsic light that emanates from me. How do I seek more light and even choose to move in the direction of more light? The other morning I was angry, and sinking in a darkness, because once again, I had a poor and difficult night. I sat in my bedroom chair, very aware of how powerful my feelings were. I can choose light, I found myself realizing.

I got up from my bedroom chair, opened the curtains wide, and decided to let the light in. I went into the kitchen, gave my husband a big hug, and decided to go sit on our deck and enjoy the morning sky. I then took time for prayer, for gratitude, and for laughter and enjoyment.

How can we seek more light in our darker moments?