Acting with trust

As I was rushing to clean up in the library and put the remaining books away in order to leave for an afternoon appointment, one of the parents came in to chat. It was a mother I met a few years ago, when she volunteered in the library. At that time, she was just beginning to write romance novels, and since I was also a writer, she found a kindred spirit in me. However, as time passed, she stopped volunteering in the library because she wanted to devote more of her free time to her book, when her son was in school.

For a while, I would feel anger well up in mw when she would come around to check in, and tell me how her writing project was moving forward. When she would ask me, “How about your writing,” I found myself getting tense. I didn’t have time or space to write every day, and often I was writing during the time I was experiencing insomnia — early in the morning — before I went to work. Over time, I found myself avoiding her.

So today, when she came into the library to talk, I had no where to hide. She wanted to share with me that she and her husband had just bought their first house. Somehow, we got around to talking about writing, and for the first time, I opened up that it had been hard for me to hear her stories of having so much time to write, since she didn’t have the pressure of going to a job every day like I did.

I could see that she appreciated my honesty, and we ended up having a good talk about trusting where we were in our lives. She shared her recent journey of buying her home and how every step was a reminder in walking in trust.

After our conversation, I reflected. Do I align myself with the spirit every day, with faith that my life is unfolding in the way that is right for me? Or do I continue to believe that I should be living another life?

I began to think if I was making a choice to cultivate more trust in my life,  or was I second guessing my life and letting my heart sink in disappointment.

Take a moment to reflect on your attitude and the choices you are making every day. The choices in your attitude are as powerful as the choices in your actions.