Caring for Ourselves and Others

There is a connection between taking care of ourselves and others.  When we look after ourselves, we help ensure that we have the capacity and resources to help others. The caring is intertwined. And now that summer is winding down, vacations are over, and the pace of life is picking up, here are five simple tips for taking good care of yourself this Fall:

1. Integrate exercise into your daily routine. Look for opportunities throughout your day to fit in something you like to do — a brisk walk, a yoga class, swimming. I like to keep my gear in the car, so that I can integrate exercise into my day, whenever I can fit it in.

2. Take a “mindful minute” whenever you’re feeling rushed. Breathing in….breathing out…breath slowly and consciously. I find that three deeps breaths can really help center me. Try it! You’ll be amazed at how much your breathing affects your mood.

3. Pack a healthy snack. Keep a bag of walnuts or almonds in your bag. Whenever you feel your energy sagging, reach into your snack pack and restore your energy. Giving yourself a snack is a wonderful way to calm yourself down and feel like you are taking good care of yourself.

4. Practice Gratitude. Studies have shown that people who practice gratitude are happier and more positive. Sometimes the stress of life just seems to overwhelm us; this is when reminding yourself of all the actual blessings in your life is most crucial. Practice offering gratitude before a meal, when you go to sleep at night, or when you’re out and about throughout the day. Keep it simple and meaningful, and you’ll instantly feel better!

5. Stay Connected. We feel better when we connect to others in a positive way. So volunteer, meet a friend for tea, reach out to a family member and offer your support. Being connected is not just about being social, it’s about making meaningful connections with other people who you care about.