Breaking out of Either/Or living
Have you ever wanted more spaciousness in your day, but your days are full of responsibilities that you can’t ignore. Well, for almost a year now, I have been keeping a morning journal in which I draw and write. Some days, it’s a few scratch marks, along with a simple sentence, while other days I…
Read MoreCan buying potatoes be a Holy Moment?
The other day, it was my morning off work, and I just wanted to stay home and be more contemplative–slow down, and have time to mediate in a more leisurely way. But that didn’t happen. When I took my husband to the bus stop, there was no bus in sight, so I agreed to drive…
Read MoreGenerosity
What can I do today that can be generous? Can I be generous to others, to myself, giving time, resources, patience, understanding? I don’t come from a generous family, and I am aware of the need to break the negative family pattern. My parents were not generous with their children, and in turn my siblings…
Read MoreGratitude Journal, Day 8
Sometimes negative thoughts just creep in, doubt finds a way into my mind, and my thankfulness is challenged. During the day, I had the attack of the ‘negatives’ as I call them. And I had to fight hard not to let them overtake me. I had to make a decision that my peace was important…
Read MoreGratitude Journal, Day 5
On Sunday, I ended up having a lot of housework to do — cleaning the house, some laundry, and cooking. At some point, I found myself resistant to what I was doing. I just wanted to stop and have some time to rest, and then to write. When I was vacuuming the bedroom rugs, I…
Read MoreGratitude Journal, Day 4
I seem to be in the habit of writing my gratitude journal in the morning for the previous day. This is because I am usually really tired at the end of the day, since I am handling a sleep disorder. Gratitudes for Saturday, November 20 1. Grateful for the energy to go to yoga class.…
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