Let Your Heart Burst Open

Wednesday Wisdom.

This month, I had the great gift of attending a workshop by David Richo, author of the Power of Grace, and many other books. One takeaway from the workshop for me was the awareness that grace is always boosting our efforts and is always at work.

My mother would always say, “God’s grace is always with us.” The meaning of the word grace is gift; it is something we don’t earn, but rather a gift, one we need to remember to keep opening to.

Advent is a time of grace, and one of the gifts that is being offered to us is: Joy. What a beautiful word. Say it aloud. Let it resonate in your whole being. This is a time to take deep into our hearts the realization that we are not alone: the Divine is with us. God is sharing in our very own lives. 

Be simple. Sit quietly, and let God’s love shine on you. Become aware of your heart receiving God’s love; that’s Advent in action. Be embraced by Divine love. And allow your heart to respond with “Yes.” This is the gift of the season. We are in a love relationship with the Holy.

I encourage you to take time every day, and sit quietly, opening your heart, and being in this love relationship, allowing your heart to burst open with joy.