How to be Enfolded in Mercy?
Wednesday Wisdom: How to be Enfolded in Mercy?
As we enter into the Easter season, I find myself living the transformative passage from death into life. Recently, a very dear friendship in my life ended, and as I mourn the loss, I am also holding the hope and promise of new life that happens through mercy and love.
What in your life right now is undergoing the movement from death into life?
I’m always struck in one of the resurrection narratives when Jesus says to Mary Magdalene, “Stop holding on to me.” (John 20: 11-18) Those words wake me up! In order for transformation to happen, we must be willing to let go, to not cling, even though strong emotions like fear or attachment can be so powerful.
We must allow for sorrow, for it is integral to transformation and change, and allow God’s love to hold us in the process. When a situation demands us to let go, we can be assured that we are letting go into the tender mercy of God’s comforting love for us. As another friend, wisely said to me: Everything changes, and can we make friends with that?
For today, reflect upon:
- What in your life right now is undergoing the movement from death into life?
- Can you bring it to the tender mercy of Divine love?
Let yourself be comforted by this chant from Taize:
I need to move on from my husbands death to my life. I need to continue to honor him as if he were still here physically. I love talking about him in the present, because he might hear me. He is still a wonderful husband , father and is still so inspirational. Nothing has changed .