
My life is asking for so much patience right now, with waves of insomnia, demands of graduate school in library science, and the deep feelings of  grief that I still feel from losing my father last spring. Sometimes, I feel I have no more patience left in me. Yet, I know that being patient right now is important.

What are some simple ways I can practice patience in my daily life?

1. Slow down, when I eat, when I talk, when I walk. Remind myself that now and then, I need to move slowly in my life.

2. Don’t judge myself when I am feeling tired. Instead, make myself a cup of chamomile tea, and sit down and enjoy it.

3. Be in the present moment as much as possible, not filling myself with doubt and worry about the past and the future.

4. Give myself extra time throughout the day. When I go grocery shopping, I give myself fifteen more minutes, and not rush around the store.  When I am driving, I take the road through the park, and move more slowly.

5. Accept that there will be things I cannot get done today because of my limitations feeling tired.

Do you need patience? What are simply ways you can practice it?