Reflection is a Practice

Wednesday Wisdom: Reflection is a Practice.

This month, I continue with the theme of Living Our Graces. As a spiritual director, I am always seeing the value, and the gift, when people pause and reflect on the presence and action of the Spirit in their lives; when they take time to recognize the graces they are receiving; when they take time to honor their own spiritual insights.

Pause for a moment and reflect on a recent spiritual insight or grace you may have received in the last month. Was there a call to deeper compassion for yourself, or for someone else? Was their a call to exercise more patience in a particular situation? Was God calling you closer in some way?

Sometimes, we are so busy that we hardly notice or we forget quickly the spiritual insights we are receiving, because of all our daily commitments. Let us take a moment and notice these gifts, being grateful for them, and integrating them more deeply into our daily lives.

Pause and reflect on a spiritual insight or grace you have received recently? What is awakening in you? Where are you growing or being invited to grow–in faith, gratitude, hope?

For me, I am facing some uncertainty with my current work assignment, so I am being inviting to feel God’s presence and reassurance during a time of some uncertainty. I am also being called to grow in self-trust.

Allow a prayer to emerge.

My prayer is: May Your presence and comfort reassure me.

I invite you to write your prayer down and leave it on your bedside table or somewhere where you will see it daily. This is how we encourage ourselves to remember and integrate wisdom into our hearts.

Taking time for reflection is a practice, one that deepens our spiritual lives. We can do this through prayer, through sharing with a trusted spiritual friend or companion, or through journal writing, We can do this through walking or sitting quietly; or through being in nature or finding a daily quiet moment.

Let us continue to reflect on the graces and insights we are receiving. And may we always give from what we have received.