Remembering what’s important

I came across this saying, which really struck me: When you’re overloaded, fight the urge to work harder. Instead, slow down and reflect on what matters most.

I have been so overwhelmed these past weeks, with the amount of work at my school. I am the school librarian, and additional duties have been added to my job because there is such a lack of resources. The other day, I took a minute to just stop what I was doing and sit quietly, close my eyes and let myself just be with the feeling of being overwhelmed.

As I sat still, I became aware of my tendency to try to gain some sense of control over what was going on. But I began to realize by doing that, I was actually creating a lot of tension and pressure in my body. I thought to myself, What about a different approach? What about letting go and releasing the pressure, rather than trying to contain the pressure out of fear?

As I returned to what I was doing, I didn’t feel the same need to “get on top of what I was doing.” Instead, I asked myself, what is important? What is my priority at this moment and what did I need to let go? Taking a moment, to pause, and ask myself this question helped me to relax and release some of the pressure I was feeling.