Sometimes, we just have to STOP

Well, a storm hit me and I found myself overwhelmed. It was triggered by a difficult night’s sleep and my anxiety over money. My mind and body were moving like ping pong balls. I knew I needed to STOP. Put the brakes on. Physically stop moving. So after hours of scattered thoughts and feelings, I finally sat down on my meditation cushion, and trusted that the action of stopping and trying to calm myself would help.

My mind and my heart were  beating rather quickly, but by stopping, and being patient and present with myself, I could find my connection to my breath. As I stayed still, breathing in and out consciously, I felt myself settle down a little, and even that small amount was helpful.

I once learned that it’s important to break a cycle anywhere along the way, and not to feel like once I’m in the clutches of something, I just have to ride it out.

Are you in a cycle right now that you just have to break/brake. A cycle of fear, anger, doubt, frustration. See if you can stop right now. Stop feeding it. Sit down. Love yourself. Take a few deep breaths. Change your course.

After my meditation, I opened my notebook, and found this quote from Brother Stendal-Rast

Deep trust in life = Faith

Yes to Surprise= Hope

A Yes to Belonging=Love