Surrendering is a Relationship to Your Life

I am a firm believer that everything is really a relationship: how we relate to our lives; our bodies; our God; our partners; our work; our money–and more and more. Everything!

So how do we continue to create and nurture a surrendering relationship to our lives? This question is my daily prayer.

And in the heart of that question, resides another question–what is my relationship to God? And what allows this relationship to continue to grow and expand in my life?

In spiritual direction today, I was talking about my recent experience of snorkeling in Hawaii, feeling buoyant in the water, and drawn to the ocean’s immensity. While I was swimming and snorkeling, there were times when I could see nothing but blueness in the depth of the water.

Yes, as I was snorkeling I found my relationship with God expanding–in the blueness and the embrace of the ocean water.

I can close my eyes, and return to that feeling of being in the blueness, of being in God. I pray now to bring that awareness up to the surface, so that I can see and live with expanded eyes.

What nurtures your relationship with the Divine, Spirit, God, the Holy One? 

I pause and reflect on what is nurturing my relationship with God right now:

  • Connecting and being in nature
  • Having quiet time; even 15 minutes at work in-between my classes in the school library
  • Feeling my breath in my body: during Centering Prayer, yoga, and body relaxation
  • Writing to God in my journal
  • Spiritual Reading–right now, I am in love with Teresa of Avila.

So, I invite us to reflect today on how we are creating our lives with God, and how we are nurturing this precious relationship?