What does it really mean: attitude is everything?

Recently my elderly mother, who is going through many health concerns, said to me,  “Our attitude is everything.” She has said this to me many times and usually I just complacently agree, but this time I paused and asked myself: what is attitude? And really, why is it so important.

Right now I notice that my attitude is negative and gloomy. I have not been sleeping with any ease for quite a while and it’s wearing me down. Usually, I’ll get a break in the cycle, but for the last month it hasn’t let up. As much as I want to have an easy and relaxed attitude about it, I can’t seem to. It’s turned into a struggle and I know that only makes it more difficult.

How can I affect my attitude?

I started reading Living Gratitude by Angeles Arrien and she poses some challenging questions: Can you look at your life through grateful eyes? Can you focus on what is working in your life? And I would add: Can you do these things when things feel like they aren’t going well?

I can start there. After my tantrum about not getting enough sleep, I can pause and see the hours of sleep I did get and I can say thank you for the hours of sleep of I did receive.

The more I can focus on what is working in my life, I might just slightly be able shift my attitude towards something more grateful and hopeful. And hope does shines some light on darkness.

It’s really valuable to reflect on what attitudes we hold? And even question them. An attitude that is hopeful and grateful may offer some relief and even more happiness in our daily lives. For today, I will invite myself to see my life through “grateful eyes.”