Always surrendering

Surrendering is a daily practice. Over the holidays, I had the joy of spending time with family. I stayed with my sister in Los Angeles, who has two children after a long and difficult road of conceiving. My husband and I were unable to have children, and being with my sister and watching her experience in motherhood did touch my own wound.

My sisters and I are committed to not relating to each other from a place of comparison or competition. We’ve talked about this many times. However, the habit to do so is always lurking in the corners. Yet  we can recognize it and choose another way. And this is where surrendering comes in.

Surrender is an ally. It gives us spiritual support to face the painful aspects of our lives. It allows us to move through the pain with more acceptance and compassion. And it allows us to be more fully present in the moment to what is. But we are always surrendering. I have been surrendering the truth that my husband and I couldn’t have children for many years and it is something that continues to ask for my surrender. We don’t surrender once and we’re done. It is a daily practice, one that takes compassion, loving kindness, and acceptance.

Surrender practice for today: Is there something in your life that is calling for surrender? Can you acknowledge it and then bring the power of surrender to it to help you let go and embrace the present moment? For example, with my wound of not having children, I acknowledged my feelings, allowed myself to cry as I needed to, and then with the power of intention I said: I trust my life and the ways things are unfolding for me in the present moment. I ask the Divine spirit to support me in my intention and to help me accept what I cannot change.