
I could make a laundry list of all the physical, financial, and emotional circumstances that are demanding my patience. But rather than write about them, I would like to write about patience. What does patience look like? It’s nice. It doesn’t lose its temper. For instance, this morning I was rushing (of course), and it took me time to find the right clothes to wear to be comfortable. You see, if I am tired, I need to be comfortable to support me throughout the day. I could have lost my patience with myself, but instead I remained encouraging, and was even willing to change from a blouse to a cotton t-shirt and cashmere sweater — soft, cozy, familiar.

During the day, one of my students was crying in the library, and when I came close to her she leaned into me and cried even harder. Apparently, she lost someone in her family, I found out. By maintaining patience, I was able to respond to her with more ease.

I developed shoulder impingement and it has limited my swimming. I love to swim. It is one of my great joys! Yet now, I have to minimize my time in the pool. What can I do?

I find there are several ways to practice patience: not raising my voice, taking time out for myself, learning to be more gentle with myself, and extending kindness to both myself and others. Also, I find that it’s important to not judge myself harshly or my circumstances.


  1. Crystal Marvin on February 2, 2011 at 8:22 am

    Dear Collete,

    I found your beautiful book about a year ago. It touched my soul and has brought “comfort and joy” to many of my days. I always look forward to reading your new postings. Like in your book, you say things in them that are meaningful to me.

    Today I am wearing a new pair of woolen slippers that feel so comforting to my feet. I thought of you because I think you would appreciate them, too. I wanted to tell you about them and thank you sincerely for the light you have shared with me.


    • admin on February 23, 2011 at 9:28 pm

      Hi Crystal,
      It’s so good to hear that my book has touched you. It means a lot to me to hear that. I am in a period of needing more comfort, again, as I face some physical challenges. Comfort is a resource we can continue to draw on. Thanks for writing. Warmly, Colette

  2. Ellen McCarthy on February 20, 2011 at 10:50 am

    Hi Colette…you and I met when I worked at the AOC woth Mark. Just discovered your blog today and wanted you to know I appreciate your writing. It is warm, kind, encouraging….and with just the right amount of words. I’ve recently taken Tara Brach podcasts along on my walks and have returned home feeling much patient and appreciative than when I started out. Your writing has the same affect. Thank you.

    • admin on February 23, 2011 at 9:26 pm

      Hi Ellen,
      Thanks for reading my blog. It’s good to hear from you. Mark sends his regards. We both hope you are doing well. Warmly, Colette