Reflection is a Practice

Wednesday Wisdom: Reflection is a Practice. This month, I continue with the theme of Living Our Graces. As a spiritual director, I am always seeing the value, and the gift, when people pause and reflect on the presence and action of the Spirit in their lives; when they take time to recognize the graces they are receiving;…

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Within Water

In the deep waters of uncertainty, I hear Brother René’s words: “Do not give up hope.” What could this possibly mean for me—a woman in her forties, living without the children she had desired to birth, without her beloved sister, without the security of steady income, and who, at the end of a long day,…

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Living our Graces

Wednesday Wisdom. Living our Graces.  This month, I will focus on living our graces. It is now the Easter season: a time of wonder, delight and surprise. And I am finding that to fully come into this season, we need to remember and integrate the graces of lent. We tend to go from one thing to…

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Pouring Out

Last night as part of the Holy Thursday service, there was the ritual of washing feet. Several wooden chairs were set up around the church, with wash bowls, water jugs, and a pile of towels next to each one of them. I usually never get my feet washed; I usually just watch others. But this year, something…

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The Profound Quiet of Mystery

Wednesday Wisdom. The Profound Quiet of Mystery. I continue to allow the theme of quietness to reveal itself to me this month. What I am discovering is that quietness is a way of dwelling in my heart. It is not always being physically quiet, or silent, but it is a way of opening my heart.…

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The Quiet Gift of Comfort

Wednesday Wisdom. The Quiet Gift of Comfort. Today, I’m facilitating a “Comfort Circle” with a group at the School of Applied Theology in Berkeley, so I’ve been steeped in reflecting on comfort as preparation. What is comfort? How do we share it with others? How do we give it to ourselves? At the elementary school where I am the…

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