Posts by Colette Lafia
The Quietness of Faith
Wednesday Wisdom. The Quietness of Faith. I continue to explore daily quiet moments, listening for them, noticing them, and discovering them in the midst of my busy days. Lately, I have been praying with icons, inspired by the book: Transformed by God’s word: Discovering the Power of Lectio and Visio Divina, by Stephen J. Binz. The icons in…
Read MoreNoticing Daily Quiet Moments
Wednesday Wisdom. This month, we will explore the theme of quietness. How do we discover quiet in our daily lives; how do we enjoy it; how do we allow it to help us cultivate our interior lives? I began noticing daily quiet moments, as a way to offset the constant feeling of being busy and rushing in…
Read MorePracticing Receptivity
Wednesday Wisdom: Practicing Receptivity in Your Daily Life I continue to explore what it means to practice receptivity in my daily life. The other day, as the kindergarten children were lining up to leave the library, a little boy looked up at me, and said, “Everyone in my family is too busy.” His sad eyes…
Read MoreDeepening Your Receptivity
Wednesday Wisdom. Deepening Your Receptivity. Our interior lives need to be nourished. And as we care for our inner lives, we become more receptive. We learn to dwell more deeply within, and allow ourselves to more fully receive the presence of the Divine, forever unfolding in our life. I share this simple practice to support your inner journey: Come into this…
Read MoreAwakening Your Receptive Heart
Wednesday Wisdom: The Receptivity of the Heart. We continue this month exploring and discovering what it means to live with more receptivity to our deepest self, to the Holy One, and to one another. Let us turn towards God, as we begin this season of Lent, not with a laundry list of what we are not, but with…
Read MoreLiving Life with More Receptivity
Wednesday Wisdom: Being Receptivity. Our theme for February will be: receptivity. Being receptive is an art, a practice, and a grace. How can we become more receptive to the Sacred in our lives; to the movement of love in our lives? Often, we spend most of our attention, and energy, responding and reacting to the…
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