Practicing Receptivity

Wednesday Wisdom: Practicing Receptivity in Your Daily Life

I continue to explore what it means to practice receptivity in my daily life. The other day, as the kindergarten children were lining up to leave the library, a little boy looked up at me, and said, “Everyone in my family is too busy.” His sad eyes said it all. “Too busy to be with you?” I said. He nodded yes. I took a moment to look at the book he chose. “You like trains,” I said. He smiled and hugged his book.

This small interaction has stuck with me, and has been lingering in my mind and heart. This morning, when my husband and I were in the kitchen making tea and toast, I stopped–I mean, really stopped–and checked in with him. We ended up sitting at the breakfast table, talking about this and that, and having our tea together. It feel satisfying for both of us.

With a heart and mind of receptivity, we listen and we respond. We do not live a life that is “too busy,” for ourselves, for others, for the Holy. We notice when God is knocking at the door of our hearts.

Pause for a moment, and reflect on where you are being called to be more receptive–with yourself, with others, with the Divine.

Let us pray together: Keep us listening, Holy One—through silence, through others, through the events of our lives. Show us how to be more receptive to the constant movement of Love.


We call out: Speak Lord, for your servant is listening. We listen with a receptive heart.